Giving Tuesday 2021

#GivingTuesday is the international day of generosity established in 2012. This global movement continues to unleash the power of giving around the world and inspire hundreds of millions of people in spreading their generosity, sharing, and collaborating. We invite you to join us this year for #GivingTuesday! Let’s unleash our generosity and make a lasting impact!…

Sena Eken Schieber Economics Awardees!

Four Inspiring Young Women from Turkey are Recipients of the Prestigious Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award New York, NY (April 30th, 2021) – Turkish Philanthropy Funds is proud to announce the 2021 Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award recipients: Bihter Erbaş, Müge Önder, Nezihat Bengisu Kaynar, and Serra Güllü. The Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award continues to be the only award earmarked for young…

Story-time with TPF

Watch Storytime with TPF & AÇEV We created Story-time with TPF amidst the Covid-19 pandemic as a way to keep our community connected and active. We have since then moved to make Story-time with TPF a special event that we continue to embrace with community volunteers, Turkish authors, and TPF partners. Story-time not only connected…