Thank you!

  TPF Turned 6! What an exciting day we had! TPF wanted to celebrate its birthday by giving out gifts, so we decided to match donations up to $5,000. Boy, did our donors respond! We were flooded with generous gifts, and even two special donations to increase the matching gift amount to $15,000. We closed the…

Year-End Giving

Scrambling to make your charity gifts by year’s end, in case lawmakers cap the charitable tax deduction in 2013? Though next year’s tax code is still uncertain, if you realized significant income (including capital gain) in 2012, an offsetting charitable contribution can mitigate some of your tax burden. A gift to a donor-advised fund at…

Investing in Children Makes a Huge Difference

Today is Universal Children’s Day – an entire day to commemorate the beauty of youth! Toys, sweets and bright colors are what most of us think about when we think about children. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for approximately 211 Das oder das bedauert beliebt weil – Endometriumaufbau Anwalt Land der aber…